Our approach
We understand the risks and opportunities that environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors can have on our investments, and are dedicated to seek ways in which we can deliver positive outcomes on behalf of our clients, borrowers, partners, tenants, and the wider community.

Striving for positive change
Our Responsible Investment strategy governs our investment activities, acknowledges our role as custodians of the capital deployed for investors, joint venture partners and clients, and recognises our responsibility to our surrounding environment and communities. Delancey’s strategy is structured in a framework that captures our ESG-related policies, protocols, and improvement plans for reaching and achieving ESG objectives.
We value the opportunity to do good and are cognisant of our caretaking role of all the assets under our stewardship.”
Responsible Investment Policy
Our Responsible Investment approach is set out in our Responsible Investment Policy, which is formally updated on an annual basis.

Our net zero carbon commitment
At Delancey, we support the goal of net zero carbon emissions by 2050 or sooner across all Assets Under Management in alignment with efforts to limit global warming to 1.5°C. Furthermore, we are setting minimum targets, appropriate to our individual investments with the aim of supporting the IPCC requirement of a 50% reduction in carbon emissions by 2030. This is our immediate focus.

Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures
Delancey has undertaken an initial TCFD analysis and roadmap exercise to plan out a pathway to full TCFD alignment. This has included a full review of our governance, strategy, risk management and metrics & targets in relation to climate related risks. Moving forward, we will develop a comprehensive approach to TCFD alignment and reporting. Responsible behaviours are needed, policies and strategies are essential but as important is enterprising thought and critically action – we want to make large strides but equally we value the small steps too.
Our strategy encompasses four key policy areas, which span Delancey’s four core business activities.
Responsible Investor
Responsible Investor
We integrate ESG risk, opportunities, and impact factors into our investment analysis and decision-making processes for real estate equity and debt financing. The real estate industry is known for its emissions intensity and impact on communities and individuals, and therefore it is our responsibility to analyse, consider and act on these topics as part of the work that we do. Further details can be found in our Responsible Investment Policy.
Responsible Developer
Responsible Developer
We are conscious that property development has a huge impact on society. We all live, work, shop and relax in the buildings that real estate professionals plan, design, fund, and construct, so we have a responsibility to ensure that the developments make a positive contribution and benefit our stakeholders across tenants, consumers, partners, investors and the wider community. As a developer we seek to exert greater control over design and contractor teams by the introduction of a refurbishment and development brief.
Responsible Manager
Responsible Manager
At Delancey, we have a dedicated and experienced team of specialist asset management professionals, who understand how buildings work and function. We form partnerships with our tenants and enjoy finding out about their businesses to ensure we truly understand our occupiers’ needs. This leads to opportunity, innovation and value creation.
Responsible Business
Responsible Business
At Delancey, we have a passion for property. It is an enthusiasm shared across teams that goes beyond the recognition that real estate is an effective investment vehicle and beyond solely maximising financial returns. This passion can only be acted on if we also run our business responsibly, which includes key governance factors, diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), our corporate environmental footprint, data security, and charitable activities (read more under our “About Us” and “CSR” sections).

ESG approach
At Delancey, we are fully committed to being a responsible investor, developer, manager, and business. Click below to watch just some of our responsible investment activities with the objective to provide transparency around our responsible investment beliefs and investment approach.

ESG initiatives
We strive to make a positive difference with our investment activities and corporate strategy, so you will find ESG principles integrated into our systems and decision-making processes. Click below to view some examples of our ESG initiatives in action as well as key ongoing commitments.
ESG Awards & Certifications